Monday, October 29, 2012

Manic Monday... Yes I Like Song Titles

So today I started out with a quick stretch workout, to get awake and stretch out my foot some. I've now become convinced that the top of my foot is bruised, so I'm still trying to take things slow and keep it loose. 

Breakfast was a slice of pumpkin spice toast, some egg whites with spinach, and cheese grits. Along side of the breakfast was some fruit.

For a snack, I had pistachios. Honestly, I just recently discovered pistachios and I can't get enough! Why have I not eaten these for forever?!?! I think the green threw me off, but I'm glad I was brave!

For lunch I had my first deli sandwich in a long time! Faux deli turkey! It was quite good, I had it on a whole grain roll with a banana, baked cheetos, and carrots! Delicious and filling!

For dinner I wanted to make some vegetarian fajitas. In the pan went two green bell peppers, a yellow bell pepper, two roma tomatoes, a squash and a zuchinni. A little bit of fajita seasoning went in and after a few minutes of seasoning they were ready!

 While cooking I had a snack of some organic salsa with some baked whole grain tortillas chips! SOO GOOD.

I accidentally forgot to buy tortillas, but I had the new Hungry-Girl Flatbread that worked perfectly! I added a little salsa for some extra taste! It was so yummy!!

Overall today was good. I went to the gym and added a little treadmill time before dinner. I thought it would be a good way for me to get in some more stretching of the foot. 

Tomorrow I think I still have plans to see a movie with a friend and then I'm going to a Halloween party! It should be fun. BUT it means up and early workout! :) 5:00 a.m. I can do it!

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