Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Terrible Tuesday

Tuesday I got to sleep in a little, since my 8:00 am class was cancelled. I still woke up pretty early though and did an Insanity workout. After I finished, and wanted to die a little (in the best way possible haha) I took a shower, took Leo for a walk, then got ready. Before heading to class, I made a green smoothie. I love these things. :) 

Lunch was a Lean Cuisine Spinach and Artichoke Dip and Flatbread with some chips and salsa. Yummy.

I had an assignment due Tuesday that I thought we were supposed to work on separately then each give our advice to the class. I made a few notes, read a lot of cases and I thought I was ready to go. The teacher called up our group, who then made an introduction and then gave a lineup of who was going to address which point. Wait a minute. What?!? I'm part of this group and I thought we were doing it all separately. I was annoyed, I was freaking out. No, the projects are not for a grade, but I did not want to look bad in front of our professor, a former Dean of the law school AND a native of my hometown. I was appalled. Horrified. Annoyed. Embarrassed. Just to name a few emotions I felt. Well as we ended, I made my apologies for not having anything to add (everything had already been covered) and found out that another girl had not known about the meeting. Apparently the meeting was announced after class on Tuesday after I had left. I was astounded that the group would not have looked and made sure everyone was involved in the group. But they didn't. Oh so bad. Oh so stressed. :(

I decided to take my frustrations out at the gym, with a long slow walk on the treadmill. Which because of frustrations I added extreme bursts of activity. I burned calories so thats a plus. I am still not pleased with the situation, but I'm trying to move on.

For dinner, after last nights debacle with the Shiritaki noodles, I was NOT in the mood for pasta, so instead I made brown rice to mix the sauce with. The sauce was delicious. It was very simple, I just added roasted cauliflower and chopped cherry tomatoes to a prepared Whole Foods organic tomato sauce. On the side I added green beans and home made garlic toast. 

I still have a lot of work left to do on a paper due Friday, so off to work on it!

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